Where Used
There are several types of sunflower used for different purposes. Annual sunflower is the most popular for today raw materials. It is purchased by the food industry for the production of sunflower oil and margarine, sunflower seeds, halva, sweets. From sunflower make tinctures for medical purposes. For forage purposes, usually used meal plants, as well as silage, meal, haylage, chaff and threshed baskets. The technical industry buys sunflower for technical purposes: the production of paint and varnish products, paper and potash.
The corny view of sunflower ranks second after one-year for use in production. The industry uses it for feed purposes (animal feed, silage, tubers and haylage), for the food industry (coffee is used as a substitute for coffee, inulin and molasses, chips). Also used for land reclamation purposes. Other types of sunflower are most often used for decorative purposes.